
a pigeon is standing on the ground and looking at the camera .

Bird Control

A pigeon is standing on the ground and looking at the camera.

Bird Control

Many people don't immediately think of birds as pests. We keep them as pets, attract them to our homes with feeders, and even take trips to watch them. But as engaging and lovely to observe as our feathered friends may sometimes be, they can still be an aggravating nuisance to homeowners.


Problems Birds Create For Homeowners

Birds are naturally inclined to seek out structured places to nest, which often includes the nooks and crannies of our homes and landscape. They get into chimneys, pipes, and ducts, creating hazardous blockages. They've also been known to invade attics and basements, damage siding, roofs, and eaves, and can cause serious drainage problems when they get into gutters. When large populations congregate around your home, such as a flock of geese, their mere presence can be a noisy and unwelcome intrusion.


Furthermore, droppings are unsightly, unsanitary, and corrosive, not to mention a contagion that can transmit many diseases like E. Coli, Salmonellosis, Encephalitis, and Histoplasmosis, to name a few. Coming into contact with those droppings can happen very easily, unfortunately. Anything in your yard may be "target practice," including cars, bikes, pools, lawn furniture, laundry lines, playsets, BBQ grills, and even you. And if they aren't using you for target practice, you could still be subject to an attack. Many aggressively defend their young and their nests—even when that nest is attached directly to your home. Wildlife experts say it is not a good idea to encourage them to nest close to your home.


The Birds Of Ohio

According to the latest Ohio Bird Watcher's Guide, there is a staggering number of species found in Ohio: 433 to be exact. Many of them can be problematic, but pigeons, starlings, and sparrows are most likely to create issues. Canadian Geese can also be a problem in more rural areas of the Miami Valley, especially when water sources are available nearby.


Pigeons are one of the worst nuisance birds in the country and possibly the world, and their feces (containing concentrated amounts of uric acid) are so acidic that it does more damage than just about any other bird. Meanwhile, starlings travel in such large groups that witnessing a marauding flock might feel like a scene straight out of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds! They also tend to spread the seeds of weeds and unwelcome, non-native flora to the point that they are classified as invasive by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. And those sweet, innocent-looking sparrows? They can be very aggressive and tend to drive out native species and take over.


What To Do If You Have A Bird Issue

When you have an issue or are concerned about populations nesting in your home's areas, it is important to note that Ohio has strict rules and regulations regarding how you handle birds.


Dealing with nuisance birds is a job best left to professionals like Matt's Animal Control, the top-rated wildlife control specialists in the Miami Valley and surrounding areas. At Matt's, we pride ourselves on our humane policies and practices and our exceptional service. Contact us today and speak with one of our friendly representatives.

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